University of Akron/Professor Joseph P. Kennedy Expose, Part 25 (Conclusion)

This will serve as the defacto conclusion to the “U. Akron/Dr. Joseph P. Kennedy Expose” blog series for the time being.  Should I happen across more incidences of blatant examples of stolen inventions or falsified research by “Kennedy” I will publish them at a future date under the same series title.  At this moment I want to reiterate the main purpose behind this seriesScience is (ideally) based on facts and not lies.  When an individual operates under false names and uses his position not only to disseminate false research but also to rob people of their inventions it is our responsibility as scientists to take a firm stand and expose them for who they are.  In this manner we preserve the integrity of our field of endeavor!  Unfortunately not long after leaving U. Akron I discovered that many people as well as companies have been injured as a result of this person and the amount of damage done by this individual was only magnified by the deafening silence of the very people that “Kennedy” had harmed.  It is the opinion of this author that it will take many years to undo the damage caused by this person and to properly vet the chemical literature in regards to the validity of what has been published.  Another case in point is that when professors, who actively engage in questionable and in many instances illegal activities like “Kennedy” has (e.g., falsification of accident report forms), do not suffer any consequences it creates an environment that engenders further crimes.  I would like to end this blog series with a list of other people/institutions who stonewalled my investigation and are actively involved in a cover-up.

Bela Ivan:  This person is a longtime collaborator of “Kennedy”.  I asked him point blank, after receiving an invitation from him to attend a conference on living polymerization (see below), as to what the true identity of “Kennedy” is.  Dr. Ivan refuses to answer this question (his contact information is below).  It is interesting to note that I had very early on contacted the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (of which Ivan is a member) with similar requests and they too refused to return correspondence!  So is it little surprise that Dr. Ivan is a member of this organization as well?

Prof. Bela Ivan,

Bela Ivan Invitation

McMaster University:  I attempted (only about 15 times) to verify that “Kennedy” had attended this institution as a post-doctoral student.  Correspondence was sent to all manner of people including the president (see contact information below) of the “University”.  Although I did receive confirmation from numerous people at McMaster that they had received my requests none were willing to provide assistance.  As hard as it is to believe, this school would not even to confirm that “Kennedy” had served as a post-doc and furthermore would not comment as to what alias he had used.  From a literature search1 I was finally able to determine that he was using the name “Joseph P. Kennedy” while at this school.  It would be of great interest if “Kennedy” had entered Canada using falsified documentation from Vienna or if he somehow legally changed his name while residing there.

Patrick Deane,

David S. Wilkinson,

Sorbonne University (Paris):  This is one of the few places that actually tried to help me; however, all information on post-doctoral students who attended this school is supposedly on file in government archives and records pertaining to “Kennedy” proved impossible to find (especially due to my lack of fluency in French).  No publications bearing any of “Kennedy’s” aliases were discovered during the period he claims to have attended here!

A number of final questions still stick out in my mind.  How is it that a person who is trained in biochemistry somehow becomes sought after in the polymer field?  It is interesting to note that “Kennedy’s” first employer is none other than Hoechst Celanese, the largest member of the infamous conglomerate (and company directly responsible for the rise of Hitler) I.G. FarbenCould my assumptions that there were ties with this nefarious group (i.e., Nazis) be correct after all?  IF “KENNEDY’S” FATHER WAS INDEED KILLED BY THE NAZIS THEN WHY WOULD HIS FIRST JOB BE AT A GERMAN COMPANY THAT WAS VITAL TO HITLER OBTAINING POWER!!!!  It could obviously be a coincidence; however, I find it interesting that a “Kennedy’s” protégé, and replacement at U. Akron, also has the same background (i.e., biochemistry degree)It is unfortunate that I have uncovered yet more instances of falsified research, now with her (i.e. “Kennedy’s U. Akron protégé) name as a coauthor


(1) Bickis, I. J.; Kennedy, J. P.; Quastel, J. H. Phenylalanine Inhibition of Tyrosine Metabolism in the Liver Nature 1957, 179, 1127-1126.