The following details my interaction with companies that manufacture terpenic resins.
Arizona Chemical: While I was writing the review on terpenic resins I made multiple attempts to contact their president, C. Kees Verhaar. After sending about four (unanswered) emails and then several letters I did finally get a phone call from Mr. Verhaar (while I was proctoring a chemistry lecture and thus unable to field it). Despite returning the call promptly I ran into a dead end. To be honest, I was very surprised that this didn’t result in follow up of any sort. Had Arizona cooperated they would have been showcased in the book chapter itself. It is ironic that it was chemists from this company (some 30 years ago) that had written the most extensive reviews on terpenic resins (prior to mine); however, this time around Arizona Chemical didn’t contribute a single data point, photograph, or schematic. Seeing that the chapter appeared in a book focusing on green chemistry one has to wonder what these people are thinking; that is, if renewable polymer chemistry is truly an area of interest for them why wouldn’t they contribute to it? My hope is that word will reach Mr. Verhaar about my upcoming book and he will look me up and make a contribution to it.
DRT: I sent several requests to this company for information on terpenic resins and never generated a single response. Maybe they don’t make these products anymore?
Yashura: Nothing more than the same sort of behavior as witnessed with DRT and Arizona Chemical. I made multiple attempts to get them to provide some information to me for my book chapter on terpenic resins. Maybe they only speak Japanese?