Shortly after delivering my formal talk, scientists from Firestone who had been in attendance approached “Dr. Kennedy” and informed him that the basic chemistry I was working on had recently been patented by Kaneka (see JP 11209702, JP 11209701, WO 19990225, and so on). Immediately “Kennedy” turned on me stating “It is your fault, it was your responsibility.” At that time I was surprised by the dramatic change in “Kennedy’s” demeanor. For many months I received nothing but praise and was told to focus on conducting actual research work. At that time I had continued to do generalized (keyword) searches on SciFinder Scholar®; however, none of them produced any hits. Likewise, “Kennedy” had conducted numerous searches with the assistance of the head science librarian at the time, Ann Bolek, and still nothing relating to the project had been uncovered. This unusual twist of fate was the first indication to me that “Kennedy” was not a man of his word as he had reneged on his promise to “protect my soft underbelly.”
In response to the finding that much of the chemistry had more or less be patented, focus was shifted to increasing the silica content of the star core through the use of alkoxy silanes (and even titanium alkoxides for hybrid structures) but the primary thrust of my work was temporarily shifted by “Kennedy.” “Kennedy” informed me that Firestone was going to pay his research group money (according to him, part of which would fund me) and in return I was to teach one of their scientists (Terry Hogan) how to conduct living polymerization of IB. Starting several days following the visit by Firestone scientists I began to generate new project ideas (see below) that would be related to the work I had been conducting so that I could tie the two together and finish the requirements necessary for my Ph.D. without losing much if any time. From this point forward Dr. “Kennedy” offered no useful ideas in regards to work I was involved in. It was in June of 2000 when I officially began a series of interactions with Dr. Hogan at U. Akron and taught him the basic aspects of living polymerization of IB while at the time I continued to work on the PIB silsesquioxane star project. Dr. Hogan then was able to reduce to practice an invention that he had made involving copolymerization of styrenic monomers bearing reactive siloxy groups with IB to make a moisture curable form of PIB (see US 6838539). Hogan’s invention was patented and Dr. “Kennedy” somehow got his name listed as a coinventor, despite the fact that Hogan told me personally that “Kennedy” made no inventive contributions whatsoever. Interestingly, no money through Firestone ever came my way despite Hogan informing me that Firestone had paid “Kennedy” approximately $2,000. At this point I was beginning to slowly realize what Dr. “Kennedy” was really about when it came to polymer science.
Despite these revelations I continued to work in the area of PIB-silsesquioxanes and transitioned into some of the chemistry I had proposed to “Kennedy” concerning the use of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS). Unbeknownst to me several more twists of fate were about to transpire…