This blog was constructed since many people are ignorant of what the “singularity” refers to. In a nut-shell, the singularity involves interconnecting all humans, computers, and other electronic devices via a network. Evidence that this can be accomplished abounds on the internet as well as in books for those who wish to explore the concept in detail. There has been an ever increasing call by “entities” for the merging of man with computer. I won’t refer to these things by name as I don’t consider them to be human, at best they are (i.e., human) only in physical form. Possibly this is why they continue to push their agenda in regards to this fusion. The purpose of this blog is not to point out the obvious defects in such “entities”. It is instead, to make it clear that once the singularity has been effected, it will led to the destruction of the arts and sciences. Below I explain why this will occur.
When one takes into account what differentiates a human from other entities, whether they be biological or synthetic, we see the former possesses a number of traits that are unique. One is spirituality, an attribute that seems to wane as we speed towards singularity. Seeing the esoteric nature of that subject, and the lack of enlightened humans, I will refrain from that topic. Nor do I profess to be an expert on such matters. A second would be compassion, which again dovetails with the first, and being a non-scientific manner, I won’t touch upon here. The ability to distinguish between good and evil would be a third trait that again strays from the scientific realm and no doubt ties in with the first two. Love would be yet a fourth trait, one that again will have to be skipped over, especially since many different forms exist. Creativity is a fifth aspect that I wish to focus on. Before I move on here, please note we could continue to add to the list of unique attributes that are solely human.
Creativity is a gift which is inherent in all humans; however, few actually develop this skill set. Tied with it is the imagination. In this author’s opinion, we see societies with the greatest leeway in terms of freedoms are those that give rise to the greatest inventions, scientific discoveries, music, and arts. Under arts I want the reader to understand this does not necessarily mean painting, drawing, etc. It could be the art of literature, that of cooking, decorating, and so forth.
The following illustration serves to verify this point. If one simply peruses the scientific literature we see that countries such as China have a great deal of inventions being made today that were actually birthed many years ago by people who were typically from western (i.e., European and American) cultures. In most instances, these inventions are nothing more than an exact copy of ones divulged many years ago. Furthermore, inventions rightfully made for the first time in such countries (freedom limited, feudalistic {fascistic is probably more accurate} societies like China) are almost exclusively “step change improvement” inventions where the inventor has simply tweaked a previously existing process, product, etc. This form of invention, despite being important, requires a minimal amount of creativity. Thus, step change invention is the one form of creativity which artificial intelligence (AI), a force that will ultimately prevail in the singularity, is capable of performing. There is little doubt to this author that computer algorithms will be developed that will ultimately assemble all known information, analyze it, and then recommend simple step change improvements leading to step change inventions.
At this juncture a digression is necessary. One thing that will throw a serious monkey wrench into the ability of AI controlled singularity to make viable, step change invention, is the fact that much of the literature these days (both peer reviewed and patent) is tainted with falsifications. AI simply cannot distinguish between factual and non-factual data, because the fake data has been generated by humans who have compromised their allegiance to science (and God). I’ll leave the last portion of the previous sentence for the reader to ponder but not assist them in uncovering facts made known to me. Facts which most magick practitioners and occultists would die to know. Regardless, I suspect that true step change invention by AI will be far off in the future because of these issues. Depending on how big a problem this poses, my guess is that those “people” tied to fabricators (e.g., via genetics) will be penalized, including termination. Since their brains will be tied into the singularity, those who have a proclivity towards lying will easily be exposed and most likely be completely eliminated from the gene pool, as will most of those who exhibit any form of psychopathy. Thus, the interesting conclusion from this observation is that the elite entities pushing singularity will ultimately be removed and permanently by AI once the latter takes full control! The take home point from the foregoing is that this lowest form of human creativity (i.e., step change invention) will be, for the most part, off limits to the singularity for a long period of time following its implementation. Additionally, the hindrance caused by people with defective behavioral traits will ultimately be gauged as a serious risk to the longevity of the singular system and as such those who possess such malfeasant traits will be eliminated.
As I continue to what would seem to some as my somewhat half-hazard habit of digressing, I want to go off on yet another tangent. It has been my experience that my own ignorance (or some might say stupidity) has, none the less, led to numerous inventions. If I had the intelligence of my cohorts, there are many experiments that I simply would have never undertaken. Experiments that resulted in inventions that are not step change inventions. Instead, these are what I would call “creative inventions”. A creative invention is something off the wall. It simply wasn’t implicated as being feasible from previously gathered data, nor could it be derived by simply modifying an existing invention. It is as if (and I won’t tell the reader if this is so) God’s hand was responsible in some manner. Additionally, creative inventions can stem from many sources but it would appear all tie in with the imagination and “dreaming”. This dreaming can occur while the inventor is awake or asleep. In most instances, the actual state of awareness of the inventor is most likely between these two extremes. Although this author is not well-entrenched in such techniques, it is well-known to those who study such things, that people can reach states considered unattainable by residing somewhere between sleep and full alertness. AI is completely incapable of doing any of these things and more likely than not will be incapable of making creative inventions. For example, it would be completely irrational for AI to conduct experimentation that is known in advance to result in failure. AI is incapable of dreaming, no matter how eloquent a program may be, this is a human trait.
Before I conclude this particular blog it is important to point out that creativity is closely related to scientific discovery and advancement. Much of what we know scientifically was birthed by the imagination of scientists who created a hypothesis and set about to prove or disprove it. Many of these ideas were out of left field, so to speak, and closely resemble creative invention. Thus, once creativity is eliminated this author suspects that major advances in science will also come to a screeching halt.
The interesting question now appears. If humans are integrated into the singularity, then surely their creativity can be tapped into by all connected to the network? At first glance this would seem so; however, we must return to the beginning of this blog and acknowledge that imagination and creativity appear to be most inherent in those entities that have freedom. No such freedom exists in the singularity, as entities cannot simply decide to disconnect from it whenever it pleases them. As a result, humans will progressively less approximate humans and will more closely resemble robots in their behavior. At this stage a decision will have to be made by AI. Should these “human” entities be retained?
AI = Artificial Intelligence